CanTeen Australia would like to take this opportunity to extend their support for the ‘Australian Oncofertility Registry’ and FUTuRE Fertility research studies.
CanTeen was established by young cancer patients and provides programs for 12 – 24 year olds living with cancer, including the delivery of inpatient and outpatient Youth Cancer Services to ensure that adolescents and young adults (AYA) receive the medical, physical, emotional and practical support they need. From our research and work with Youth Cancer Services throughout Australia we know that AYA cancer patients have reduced access to fertility preservation consultations and strategies, and a lack of age appropriate discussions about fertility preservation. The high out of pocket expenses and lack of information and support about their future reproductive health and fertility-related psychological needs are all barriers to AYA cancer patients accessing fertility preservation and receiving the support they need. This continues to negatively impact young people well after their cancer treatment has ended.
The registry study and accompanying research projects bring hope to all AYA cancer patients. It will allow us to understand the barriers to fertility preservation and inform policy on the health model needed so every patient can have access to fertility preservation. The registry will also provide clinician information about the success rates of fertility preservation and a greater understanding about patients reproductive health following cancer treatment AYA.
CanTeen is determined to ensure that fertility preservation is available for all cancer patients and that AYA patients also receive the fertility related psychological support they require at diagnosis and into the survivorship period. We fully support the research being undertaken by the FUTuRE Fertility team.
CanTeen have provided $25,000 towards the funding for the National Project Manager.