Consumer Involvement

The Australasian Oncofertility Registry Steering Committee believe that direct consumer participation aids the development and maintenance of a high quality and relevant registry. The Australasian Oncofertility Registry Steering Committee have used both consumer partipation and consumer consultation to engage with consumers.

Extensive local and national consumer consultation has taken place to date on the development of the brand name ‘FUTuRE Fertility’, logo design, development of the reserach proposal and subsequent changes, development of the governance structure, development and review of the patient resources and development of the clinicians resources.

The Australasian Oncofertility Registry Steering Committee includes 2 consumer representative members from the Consumer Committee who voice the consumer perspective and particpate in the decision making process on behalf of all the consumer members.

Consumer Membership
The role of the lead investigator team will be to:

People who are interested in being involved in consumer participation of any FUTuRE Fertility study can join the FUTuRE Fertility Consumer Interest Group by completing the Consumer Membership Form and sending the form to